The nature of nanotechnology

The nature of nanotechnology

Surface - Surfaces


Water - Water


Air - Air


Roof insulation (cool roof) and waterproofing sheathing

Anti-scale and anti-legionella device On the DHW and heating plumbing system

UV and IR patterning On south-facing interior glass panes

Outdoor paint heat-insulating, ionizing, moisture-proofing, protective

Air Treatment., House. Office,Kitchen, Elevator, Waste disposal area

Interior Treatments kitchens and basements sanitized and bactericidal

Interior paint heat insulating, anti-mold, antibacterial, ionizing

Photocatalytic treatment Self-cleaning, anti-smog on exterior glass.

Non-toxic cleaning., use of non-toxic Bio products inside civil and working buildings EcoNano Green Proyect



The Ministry promotes energy efficiency in buildings through regulatory (energy certification) and facilitative (deductions, incentives) interventions.

Energy certification

New rules on minimum energy performance requirements for buildings and for the preparation of the APE (Energy Performance Certificate) have been in effect since 2015.

National guidelines

The decree to adjust the national guidelines for energy certification of buildings:

  • Describes the Guidelines and tools for linkage between the State and the Regions for the preparation of Energy Performance Certificates (APE)
  • Establishes an information system for the management of a national cadastre of energy performance certificates and thermal systems, the Information System on Energy Performance Certificates (SIAPE)
  • introduces a constraint on regions and provinces to establish control plans and procedures in order to analyze at least 2 percent of the EPAs in their territory annually.


Calculation methodologies, prescriptions, and minimum requirements

The decree on energy performance calculation methodologies and definition of prescriptions and minimum requirements:

  • Defines the requirements for nearly zero-energy buildings and sets new minimum standards effective October 1, 2015
  • Introduces a new method of calculating the energy performance value of a building
  • Modifies the services to be considered for building performance assessment
  • Establishes a new method for determining the energy class of buildings
  • divides renovations of existing buildings into two levels, depending on the scale of the intervention.

Patterns and modes

The decree defines three schemes for technical project reports, referring to:

  • New construction, major renovations, and nearly zero-energy buildings
  • Energy upgrading and major second level renovations, existing buildings with upgrading of the building envelope and thermal systems
  • Energy upgrading of technical facilities.

News - News

Who we are

Nanotechsurface is an innovative company that targets leading companies and offers products and services that increase eco-sustainability, bringing economic benefits, user well-being, and environmental improvement.


Fundamental principles of Nanotechsurface: 

  • Innovation is the only way to both survive and excel
  • Sustainability is the keyword of the new millennium socially, economically, environmentally
  • Partnerships to be excellent and fast through a network of interconnected companies


Nanotechsurface caters directly to:
individuals, industrial companies, construction companies, architectural and engineering firms, service companies, the hotel and restaurant industry, medical facilities and hospitals.
The products and services offered are for:

  • water purification air purification
  • insulation and energy saving
  • biological cleaning and sanitization

Our office - Our office


 Via Belvedere 14 - 20017 - Rho (MI) Italy


+39 335 61 56 424


Mon-Fri: 09.00 am - 06.00 pm

Sa-Do: Closed

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