Glass Nano Coat

Glass scheming technology

 The use of nanotechnology is based on an in-depth understanding and knowledge of the properties of matter at the nanoscale: one nanometer (one billionth of a meter) corresponds to the length of a small molecule.

On this scale, matter presents new and additional properties, sometimes surprising, and scientific research on nanotechnology continues to come up with innovation and new technical solutions.

Nanotechsurface proposes technological innovation and solutions for energy efficiency and environmental sustainability precisely through the use of new nanoscale materials.

The Glass Nano Coat is a special nanotechnology fluid based on metal oxides (oxides of antimony, indium, tin, tungsten, and cesium), which is applied to transparent surfaces using different techniques and includes a UV shielding agent and an IR shielding agent.


Glass Nano Coat repels 99 percent of UV rays and thus provides a definitive solution against the destructive effects of UV rays: it protects artwork, fine floors, antiques and furniture; it protects merchandise, textiles and colors displayed in storefronts and malls.


The application of Glass Nano Coat repels from 70 to over 90 percent of IR rays, improves the performance of glazing exposed to the sun by drastically reducing the amount of heat that normally passes through the glazing while maintaining, thus, a more comfortable temperature inside the rooms and decreasing the annoying "greenhouse" effect that is felt on very sunny days.


In addition to the marked improvement in environmental comfort, energy costs for the air conditioning system can be greatly reduced.
The cost savings can be as high as 30% and allows for fast payback times depending on the exposure of the glazing, its surface area in relation to that of the rooms in which it is present, and so on.
In winter months, surfaces treated with Glass Nano Coat generated by heating systems.

Glass Nano Coat can be applied to interior or exterior glazing surfaces depending on the specific characteristics of the building and to optimize cost and time;

Glass Nano Coat does not alter the transparency characteristics of glass and therefore does not generate an increased need for artificial light inside the premises.

The application of Glass Nano Coat is guaranteed for 10 years (in applications on interior surfaces) but its effectiveness can last up to more than 20 years.

The transparent surfaces of a building and their protective and shielding properties from sunlight and outside temperatures are elements that significantly affect the energy requirements for air conditioning.


In particular, the rehabilitation of existing buildings must take into account the European directive (No. 31/2010/EC) that promotes the construction of nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB) or nearly net Zero Energy Buildings (nnZEB).






The transparent surfaces of a building and their protective and shielding properties from sunlight and outside temperatures are elements that significantly affect the energy requirements for air conditioning.

In particular, the rehabilitation of existing buildings must take into account the European directive (No. 31/2010/EC) that promotes the construction of nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB) or nearly net Zero Energy Buildings (nnZEB).

Among the different technologies for controlling solar inputs, Glass Nano Coat represents an advanced and high-performance system that highlights several advantages over alternative products:


It should be considered that solar radiation consists of three components:

  • ultraviolet radiation (approx. 3%)
  • visible light (approx. 44%)
  • the radiation of infrared rays (approx. 53%)

A transparent sheet of glass reflects about 6 percent of solar radiation, absorbs 5 percent and transmits (inside) the remaining 89 percent.

A sheet of clear glass reflects about 6% of solar radiation, absorbs 5% and transmits (inside) the remaining 89%.
When Glass Nano Coat is applied to the glass (which can be either inside or outside), the following effects on solar radiation are achieved by both reflection and absorption:
UV (ultraviolet) rays are reduced by about 99%. The coating allows a 99.6% cut-off of ultraviolet rays, protecting parquet floors and interior furnishings;
Visible light is 75-80% transmitted;
IR (infrared) rays are reduced to 90%.This coating blocks up to 90% of the infrared radiation emitted

reducing the ambient temperature.
Below is an example of the transmittance of a treated glass compared to one without application.


A simple application of a coating on glass that provides energy savings of up to 30 percent; it sounds like science fiction but today it is reality.

The application of Glass Nano Coat makes it possible to achieve the lowering of indoor temperatures, the lowering of energy costs related to air conditioning, and during the cold months significantly reduces heat loss through the treated surfaces.
In particular, it achieves:

  • A like-for-like reduction in ambient temperature of 4° and more;
  • A reduction in energy use for environmental temperature control;
  • A reduction in ambient lighting due to the maintained transparency of glass.

Until now, solar control systems consisted of the application of thermo-reflective films that greatly reduced natural light in order to filter infrared rays.
The consequence is environments that are constantly lit even during the day at a significant energy cost.

Glass Nano Coat brings together the peculiarities and efficiency of the best films on the market while maintaining transparent glass with a thickness of only 8-10 microns with total glass adhesion and 4H scratch resistance.


The total transmission of sunlight, compared with other shading technologies, makes it possible to delay the switching on of artificial lighting during the day, achieving consumption savings as well as improved visual comfort.

Glass Nano Coat also inhibits the entry of UV rays, which are the cause of discoloration and degradation of furniture and goods, and allows for a significant reduction in glare within rooms, thereby improving visual comfort due to reduced glare on TV and computer screens and other reflective surfaces.


Glass Nano Coat provides savings of up to 30% of energy used for environmental conditioning.
Reduced environmental impact related to non-renewable energy by using less energy for environmental conditioning.

Fast payback of the investment related to the application of Glass Nano Coat due to energy savings.
Electricity savings due to maximum transparency of surfaces.
Reduction of energy used at space heating in winter due to less heat loss from the glass.
This makes it possible to return the investment of the application of Glass Nano Coat in 12 to 24 months.

Unlike other coatings or products dedicated to solar control, Glass Nano Coat is applied by roller to glazed surfaces with a service life of more than 15 years.

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 Via Belvedere 14 - 20017 - Rho (MI) Italy


+39 335 61 56 424


Mon-Fri: 09.00 am - 06.00 pm

Sa-Do: Closed

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