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The nature of nanotechnology


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Air - Air



The importance of Air Sanitation in commercial establishments

The issue of COVID-19 has come powerfully into our daily lives and activities and has thus brought into sharp focus an issue that we have been dealing with, however, for years, that of air sanitation and environmental quality.
Today more than ever, also in view of the upcoming gradual reopening of operations or, even for those who have never stopped, we believe it is of paramount importance to be able to ensure that their employees and customers/partners can access and work in company spaces with maximum sanitary safety and peace of mind.
For this reason, we offer Waeev® devices that have certifications and proven effectiveness demonstrated through long years of experience gained in various facilities in numerous countries for Indoor air quality control.

Current guidelines for sanitizing rooms unfortunately do not give clear and resolving directions; rather, they open the way for numerous doubts and questions. What is required to be done often involves major expenditures for sanitization but with absolutely limited effect in time and non-resolving. These are procedures to be carried out every day or week with expenses incurred continuously and without any preventive capacity.
For this reason, based on our experience in the field of air treatment we are able to offer the widest range of products to implement a process of air and room sanitization that can protect against infections continuously, h24 over the years and with no maintenance expenses.
The solutions we offer, are certified, effective, and integrate an advanced air quality monitoring system, which is essential for controlling and tracking the state of the environments.

Air sanitization is a necessity to protect oneself from COVID-19, but also and more importantly an opportunity to improve the quality of life and protect oneself from any future infection,

Is your company ready to start again?

Being ready to restart means having put in place everything necessary to ensure the maximum safety of both your employees but also your clients and external collaborators.
The resumption will be slow and gradual, and there will be a transitional period in which it will still be necessary to have put in place all the necessary technical and operational measures to make sure that all environments allow their safe use.
Among the main measures necessary for the safety of the premises is certainly that of sanitizing the environments.

Room sanitation considerations

Given the great confusion we find on the subject, we think it is useful to provide a brief note of clarification on what is stated in the decree regarding the sanitization of environments.
The Ministry of Health with Circular No. 5443 of 22/02/2020, and document ISS Report COVID-19 - No. 5/2020 Rev. 2 and subsequent updates explains in detail the methods of sanitization to be applied against Covid-19 including the distinction between sanitary and non- sanitary environments (rooms, offices, means of transport, schools, ...).
For all categories, the effective procedure involves thorough cleaning followed by the application of disinfectants: sodium hypochlorite (0.1-0.5%), ethanol (62-71%) or hydrogen peroxide (0.5%).
The choice of disinfectant cleaner and its concentration varies depending on the surface to be treated.
The basic rules are special attention to all contact points, which should be meticulously disinfected, and the use of disposable wipes, which should be replaced at each item to avoid cross-contamination.

The sanitization procedure involves, in case an initial decontamination activity is not necessary (to be done in the presence of organic material), initially a thorough dusting and cleansing of all surfaces and furnishings present, thus eliminating foreign bodies.
When the surface is dry, we proceed with disinfection, through the use of disinfectant "Presidio Medico Chirurgico" with the aim of reducing the load of microorganisms, including potentially pathogenic ones, to the minimum level.
Sanitization is usually concluded by spraying disinfectant solution also through the use of an atomizer, thus going to enhance the sanitizing effect of the intervention carried out.
Despite the fact that it is necessary to follow the provisions of the regulations, the indicated process is extremely burdensome and complicated to implement in certain environments especially in commercial establishments, where there are several materials, products etc exposed to the public and subject to different types of contact.
Although this is the procedure currently regarded as mandatory, some shortcomings are evident both from the point of view of ensuring the effective safety of environments and from the point of view of effective applicability to all areas of operation.

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 Via Belvedere 14 - 20017 - Rho (MI) Italy


+39 335 61 56 424


Mon-Fri: 09.00 am - 06.00 pm

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